Tomorrow's Wealth is Today's Community

The Human Family

(Private Unincorporated Membership Association)


The Human Family is a “Private Unincorporated Membership Association.”

IT IS HEREBY Declared that we are exercising our right of “freedom of association” as guaranteed by International Law. This means that our association activities are restricted to the private domain i.e. the Association is outside the jurisdiction & authority of ALL STATE & FEDERAL agencies & Law Enforcement Authorities.

All members of the Association are entitled to enjoy the benefits and privileges associated with their membership, as long as they maintain good standing. Good standing implies adhering to the Association's bylaws and the terms specified in the Member Agreement.​ By paying the membership fee to The Human Family (THF) you agree & accept to the offer made to become a Private Member of THF.  As a Private Member of THF you acknowledge you have read & understood the following Agreement:


1. This Association of Private Members hereby declares that our main objective is to protect our rights to medical freedom of choice, freedom of association, freedom of trade & the sharing of knowledge, resources & skills that will best serve our communities (human families). We affirm our belief that the Creator guarantees our right to gather together for the lawful purpose of advising and helping one another for the greatest good.

2. As Private Members we agree to nurture a Positive Culture Agreement. We deliver purpose, shared values and behaviour for which we are fully responsible as we would do as members of a loving & united family unit. As we come together and leave our old beliefs behind us, we realise we are all the same on more levels than we are not. We commit to living in harmony with a conscious agreement to do no harm – ONLY TO DO GOOD.

3. As Private Members we understand and agree that we have entered into the private jurisdiction when accessing THF and that we have chosen to do so freely and of our own will.  We respect the private nature and confidentiality of THF including but not limited to, all activities experienced by any Private Member, which are considered private matters that are absolutely not shared in anyway whatsoever with any public entity(ies), corporation(s), organisation(s) without the express written permission from THF. All information is private and confidential; however Private Members may make private referrals to THF.

4. As Private Members we understand and agree that THF makes zero claims, promises, commitments, guarantees; and any products, services, entertainment or otherwise from THF is not covered by any insurance (but assurance). As Private Members we agree to take 100% responsibility for our own respective safety & health.

5. As Private Members we acknowledge that we act in our own right and private capacity as men/women and not as agents or representatives of any government or non-government agency or organisation whose purpose is to enforce a legal code, act or statute where no man or woman has been harmed, or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation. We understand that this will be considered to be trespass by way of battery and that we will become immediately liable to pay compensation under this agreement, in the amount of $10,000,000 AUD in Bitcoin or in Gold bullion (whichever is greater).

 6. As Private Members we understand and agree to select if required from our membership those Private Members who are the most skilled to assist and facilitate the actual performance and delivery of such services and information that are most aligned with our individual and specific needs. We will make this determination freely and of our own will as we shall any choice regarding our health & well-being.

7. As Private Members we understand and agree to act honourably towards THF Members at all times. When providing advice, support, information, sharing resources or experiences or interacting with THF Members in anyway, we agree to act honourably in all communications. For the avoidance of doubt, “Acting Honourably” in this context means that if we were to describe people or actions as ‘honourable’, we mean that they are good, morally right and deserve to be respected and admired. 

8. As Private Members we understand and agree that within THF no ‘doctor-patient’, ‘lawyer-client’, ‘teacher-student’ or similar relationship exists but only a ‘Private Member to Private Member’ relationship. We understand & agree that we have freely chosen to change our legal status when entering THF from ‘public citizen’ to ‘Private Member’ of THF. We further understand and agree that it is entirely our own responsibility to consider the advice and recommendations offered to us by fellow members and to educate ourselves as to the efficacy, risk, and desirability of all information and advice.

9. As Private Members we understand and agree that we are entering into this Membership Agreement of our own free will without any pressure. We have read and understood this agreement, and our questions have been answered fully to our satisfaction. We understand that we can withdraw from this agreement & terminate our membership to THF at any time.

All Rights Reserved © The Human Family 2022

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